Believe it or not, we’re only thinking of you.
Booking early with Brand g has distinct advantages:
Early Booking Discounts
These $500 per person discounts are only offered for the first few weeks or months after a trip is announced. And since we announce most of our vacations 12-18 months out, it pays to plan in advance. So, grab that Early Booking discount and have extra money for that bedazzled thong you’ve been eyeing.
The Guaranteed Best Price
Unlike regular straight cruises, we do not do “flash sales” or put an unsold cabin on sale at the
last minute. (With almost everything selling out well in advance these days, that couldn’t happen, anyway.) The Early Booking price is the best – and lowest – price you’ll get.
Best Choice of Cabins
If the vacation you’re interested in includes a river or ocean cruise, you’ll have the best choice of cabins early on. The suites and the most inexpensive cabins typically sell out first. On most river cruise ships, for example, there are usually only 4-8 suites, and we’ve been witness to a lot of shrieking and gnashing of teeth when someone discovers they’re already gone.
Getting to join your friends
All too often, we get pleading calls and emails (and the occasional tear-stained letter) from someone who wants to join friends who are already booked on a trip that’s sold out. We’ll happily waitlist you for any vacation; and cancellations do occur (life has a funny way of altering even the best laid plans of our guests). But the majority of cancellations – if they happen for a given trip – only occur 3-4 months before departure. A California group, for example, jumped on one of our European cruises soon after it was announced (more than a year out) and booked half a floor of the ship so they could all vacation together.
Small group experiences
Our land-only vacations (like Japan, Scotland, Africa, Nepal & Bhutan, etc) are small group tours of approximately 40 guests. We keep them to that number so that we can offer the kind of intimate, luxurious vacation that guests expect. And small groups enable us to offer experiences that would be impossible to pull off for a group of 200. (Some examples: taking over a 5-star safari camp in Africa that only has 20 villas. Or doing helicopter flights over Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.) So, needless to say, these groups fill up fast.
The opportunity to snag the airline seats you want
Many of our guests like to travel business class (either paid or using frequent flyer miles), and particularly if you’re booking an award ticket, knowing that you’re confirmed on the Brand g trip means you can snag those flights as soon as they become available. And if they’re not available right then, booking early gives you a large window in which to find the seats and flights you want.
Because 2022 is going to be one of the biggest travel years in memory
Travel in the last quarter of 2021 is already skyrocketing, and 022 is going to be even bigger, as countries around the world return to normal. At Brand g, we have the largest number of trips ever for 2022 – 14 – and even with that plethora of space, 70% is already booked. It’s definitely a “you snooze, you lose” scenario in 2022.
The opportunity to try the Brand g experience, if you haven’t
We feel incredibly fortunate to have a loyal cadre of guests who continue to book with us year after year. (Generally, about 70% of any vacation is usually made up of past guests.) And even though we’ve tripled the number of trips we offer over the last five years, the majority of our vacations sell out a year or more in advance.
We don’t want you to miss out! Visit HERE to book NOW!